Know Names of keyboard symbols in Computer Keyboard

We are all familiar with the QWERTY layout of modern computer keyboard. The QWERTY name comes from the order of the first six keyboard keys on the top left letter row of the keyboard. This layout was devised and created in the early 1870’s by Christopher Latham Sholes, a newspaper editor, printer and also is the inventor of the first typewriter. In our day to day life, we used different symbols and special characters of our computer keyboard to perform various tasks. But most of us don’t know the symbol meaning and name of the symbols in our keyboard. 

There is not much use to remember all the symbol names in the keyboard for our day today activities. But things may change if you want to explain about a technical problem in your keyboard with a technician. Sometimes, you may have to mention the name of keyboard keys in your conversation. Here is the list of common computer keyboard symbols with it’s symbol meaning in plain English.

keyboard symbols
Computer keyboard key explanation
For programmers, these symbols are essential for their coding purpose. In anyways, for coding purpose, or want to discuss technical problems with an expert, or just want to learn the names of the keyboard symbols, here is a list of the symbols that commonly available in a computer keyboard.

Symbols in Keyboard – Explanation and its use
Sl. No. Symbol Name
1 & ampersand or and
2 ‘ apostrophe or single quote
3 * asterisk
4 @ at
5 ` back quote
6 back slash
7 { } braces or curly braces
8 [ ] brackets
9 ^ carat
10 } close brace
11 ] close bracket
12 ) close parenthesis
13 : colon
14 , comma
15 $ dollar
16 = equal
17 ! exclamation mark
18 > greater than
19 < less than
20 – minus or hyphen
21 { open brace
22 [ open bracket
23 ( open parenthesis
24 ( ) parenthesis
25 % percent
26 | pipe or bar
27 + plus
28 # pound or number sign or sharp or hash
29 “ quote
30 ; semi-colon
31 / slash or forward slash
32 ~ tilde
33 _ underscore
34 ? Question Mark
35 . Period, dot or Full Stop
36 F1 to F12 Function keys
Know Names of keyboard symbols in Computer Keyboard Know Names of keyboard symbols in Computer Keyboard Reviewed by Surjeet Roy on December 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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To insert a short code, use & lt; i rel = & quot; code & quot; & gt; ... CODE ... & lt; / i & gt;
To insert a long code, use & lt; i rel = & quot; pre & quot; & gt; ... CODE ... & lt; / i & gt;
To insert an image, use & lt; i rel = & quot; image & quot; & gt; ... PICTURE URL ... & lt; / i & gt;

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